Breaking the Sojourn -Ramadan Advent Calendar 2021

Dear Reader, Life happens. I look back at this almost three years of hiatus from this space and I realize, it all looks like a blur. A colourful blur with peaks of red, yellow and orange spiking up momentarily in the graph of my life while, blue, green and a rather interesting purple streaming steadily.... Continue Reading →

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Must-visit Kosgoda Turtle Project

Vacation time falls once a year- a whole 30 odd days of getaways, family gatherings, exploring places, being adventurous, going on a literal food safari, spending wads of money over frivolous things, taking a zillion pictures, all the while making the most fond memories. How I dig them! However, last year I realized something extraordinary.... Continue Reading →

Three Peppers, Doha- hit or fail?

Fusion food is definitely here to stay. Pizza with tandoori toppings, kottu roti made with Chinese sauces, sushi burritos, 'Schezwan' dosa- everybody loves fusion food. What's not to like in them anyway? They bring about an overwhelming bursts of flavour, they break traditions and they reflect different cultures in one dish! A winner, doubtlessly. Nevertheless,... Continue Reading →

Explore- Sheikh Faisal Museum

We just bid good bye to another weekend and most of us are either slouched in front of the computer trying not to yawn or worse, stuck in a meeting trying really hard to get rid of that vacant expression. That's exactly why this is the right time to talk about exploring Qatar the coming... Continue Reading →


Life is never easy. People come and go. You get a job, you lose a job. The money that's made is never enough. Your child falls sick. You fall sick. Work never ends. Every day, creative souls and individuals with talent don't get the proper exposure they deserve. Fame, popularity, wealth, good looks goes to... Continue Reading →

Explore-Dambulla, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a gem. Really! The statement has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a Sri Lankan (Ok, okayyy maybe it does, a little!)but I believe, it's one of the most generous countries in the world considering it being the size of a pod but brims with rich history and culture. The... Continue Reading →

Best toddler apps

Keeping a toddler busy AND entertained is tough, especially when you, yourself are knee deep in work and running errands. I generally limit R's TV time as much as I can and I'm not a huge fan of him glued to the phone or Tab. However, when you actually think about it, there is some... Continue Reading →

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